Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The time is now, we have talked too long now about getting another discipline started. We have a few that have stepped forward and are ready to get the Rifle discipline going, however, they will need our help. This is not something that is easy so it's time for us adults that are wanting our children to learn the correct way to use a firearm to step up and get off the sideline. Because of where we live and the hobbies we have it is inevitable before our youth with handle a firearm. The time to teach them how to safely operate and respect that firearm is now, not when they are older and think they know. I invite all that are interested to contact me by e-mail so that we can get started. Many may think that there is nothing they can do but that is wrong. No matter what your strengths or weaknesses are, we will find something for you that you feel comfortable doing. Whether you are not certified and want to teach or you are certified and don't want to teach there IS something you can do that will helpful.